Couples Intimacy Masterclass
A unique sex therapy course to develop complete sexual empowerment as a woman
Fill in the missing link to wholeness as a modern woman - your sexuality.
Do you feel like you just tick along sexually?
Do you believe there's something better but you’ve yet to discover it?
It’s not unusual to think like that. Most people have no idea how wonderful our sexuality is - especially for women! The reality is so different to the bad old days when women's sexuality was seen as of service to men's. In fact, my first secret to you - that's completely back to front!
There is so much more to discover, join me to find out…
"Wake up to your gorgeous orgasmic sexual potential!"

Hi, I'm Jacqueline Hellyer,
As one of the world's leading experts on sex, love and intimacy I've worked with countless couples, ......
I've spent thousands of hours talking to couples in my therapy practice, seminars and retreats -......
Blah blah blah
And this means the whole of life will improve!
Live a fuller, happier life - both in the bedroom and out!
Enrol in the Luscious Woman Online Sexual Empowerment Course and learn to embody your sexuality! Learn how to get into your body, feel your energy, and open yourself up to the incredible potential of your female sexuality.

When you do the Couples Intimacy Masterclass you will:
- Feel confident (the #1 thing men find attractive in a woman).
- Be orgasmic - in so many different ways! From peak orgasms to orgasmic waves to orgasmic states...
- Relate to men with equality.
- Be able to ask for and receive what you want.
- Become very skillful at pleasuring your partner, and really enjoy doing so.
- Feel complete.
- Be healthier, happier, juicier and totally luscious!

How This Course Is Structured:
For each element there are a series of videos and support material that provide:
1. A detailed description of the element
2. A fictional story personifying each element
3. Videos on specific issues relevant to that element
4. Breath, mindfulness and meditation practices
5. Homework activities
The Seven Elements of Sexual Empowerment

Enrol now and deepen your connection and heighten your intimacy!
Pay just $A499 (about $US310) to reunite your sexuality and your love and reach your relational potential!
The information I will be sharing with you will change your life forever. It will help you f......
If you’re ready to .... then sign up to my course now.
Get Instant Access to the Couples Intimacy Masterclass
"Great quote!"

Here are two of the over fifty videos you'll have access to on this couples intimacy masterclass!
On a personal note:
I’ve been running couple’s workshops and retreats for fifteen years now and I absolutely love them.Blah blah
I look forward to changing your love life forever!