Sex Therapy - Relationship Counselling - Couples Retreats
Discover the art & science of connection with Jacqueline Hellyer

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With over 20 years of experience and more than 10,000 hours of client contact, I am a leading expert on all matters sex, love and intimacy. As well as providing sex therapy and relationship counselling in The LoveLife Clinic, I also offer Tantra-inspired retreats, online sexual empowerment courses and the LoveLife Blog & Podcast. Combining the best of modern science and therapeutic practice with ancient spiritual wisdom, let me offer you a road map, to shine a light in this often confusing area and help you create your best possible love life!

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Sex Therapy


Jacqueline Hellyer


The Lovelife Clinic


Online Courses


The Lovelife Blog


LoveLife Retreats

Lovelife Blog

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Sexual wisdom and inspiration
@The LoveLife Clinic, Retreats & Blog/Podcast
Bringing spiritual depth to the art & science of connection
